Zgodovinske korenine Začetki pihanja segajo približno 3500 let pred našim štetjem, med prvimi civilizacijami, kot so Egipčani in Mezopotamci, ki so obvladali to veščino. Ti starodavni obrtniki so izdelovali steklene posode, ki so služile v funkcionalne in dekorativne namene, ter tako postavili temelje umetnosti pihanja stekla. Sčasoma se je razvilo [...]
Surovine: Proizvodnja stekla se začne s skrbno izbiro surovin. Glavna sestavina pri proizvodnji stekla je silicijev dioksid, ki se običajno pridobiva iz peska. Poleg silicijevega dioksida sta ključni sestavini še natrijev karbonat in apnenec (kalcijev karbonat). Ti materiali se pridobivajo iz [...]
Starodavni začetki: Začetki steklarstva (3500 let pred našim štetjem)Začetki steklarstva segajo približno 3500 let pred našim štetjem, ko so stari Egipčani odkrili osnovno metodo proizvodnje stekla s taljenjem peska. Steklo, ki je nastalo v tem obdobju, je bilo grobo in se je uporabljalo predvsem v dekorativne namene, na primer v grobnicah in [...]
Izbira in rezanje steklene podlage Postopek se začne z izbiro ustrezne steklene podlage, običajno natrijevega ali borosilikatnega stekla, ki sta znana po svojih optimalnih lastnostih za uporabo na zaslonu na dotik. Steklo se nato razreže na želeno velikost s strojem za rezanje, opremljenim z diamantnim rezilom. Ta stroj je skrbno programiran za rezanje stekla, [...]
Selection of Raw Materials for Touch Screen Glass The chemical strengthening process begins with selecting high-quality raw materials, such as soda-lime glass or borosilicate glass, known for their superior chemical and thermal properties. These materials are mixed with various chemicals and additives to create a consistent glass formula. The formula is then melted in a […]
Selecting and Preparing Raw Materials The manufacturing process begins with the careful selection of raw materials, including silicon dioxide, soda ash, and limestone. These ingredients are mixed and then heated to extremely high temperatures, often exceeding 1400°C, to create molten glass. Known as the batch process, this step is fundamental in determining the final properties […]
Understanding Resistive Touch Screens Resistive touch screens, often referred to as resistive touch panels, operate using a flexible plastic sheet and a metal wire grid. Touching the screen brings the plastic sheet and wire grid into contact, altering the electrical resistance, which the device then detects. This relatively simple and cost-effective technology is popular in […]
Precision and Responsiveness One of the standout benefits of capacitive touch screens is their exceptional accuracy and responsiveness. They can detect even the slightest touch, making them ideal for applications requiring precise control, such as gaming and graphic design. Furthermore, they support multi-touch capabilities, allowing for complex gestures and interactions. This level of precision and […]
How Resistive Touchscreens Work Operating Principle:Resistive touchscreens function by detecting changes in electrical resistance when a user interacts with the screen using a stylus, finger, or other objects. This is accomplished by layering conductive material, typically indium tin oxide, between two glass or plastic sheets. The conductive material is disrupted when the screen is touched, […]
Introduction to Touch Screen Technologies The evolution of touch screen technologies has transformed device interaction, from resistive to capacitive types. Initially, resistive touch screens dominated the market due to their simplistic yet functional design. Today, capacitive screens are widely used because of their advanced capabilities and enhanced user experience. Resistive Touch Screen Technology Principle of […]